Hello, September

by Brooke on September 8, 2010

Well, hello September! Long time no….post.

I have been getting death threats many sweet suggestions that I start blogging here again. I know!!! I have neglected this poor thing. It’s been a busy year/summer and it’s just something I had to let slide or else I would go insane! :) I’m going to try to ease back into blogging because I have missed my own little spot here under the big internet tree. :)

So of course I start with a picture. Above is one of my current favorite photos of my kids. I love those faces! My little lovies. I have enjoyed spending time having fun with them (and Jaden) all summer long, and am feeling bittersweet about school being in session and all that comes with it. I miss the lazy-ish days together. Don’t get me wrong, it had its ups and downs (we aren’t perfect, ha!) but I do love the feel of summer.

However. I love Fall too. I am loving falling into more of a routine again, and the kids are loving school which is always a good thing. We’ve been cleaning stuff out and I’ve been bitten by the Organization Bug and am eager to get back into the game. I always feel like the beginning of the school year is a new beginning in general for me too. I have the desire to clean out, start fresh, get organized, set goals, get stuff done–it’s like Back to School resolutions or something. :)

Anyway, thanks for the gentle reminders that you’re still out there wondering what I’m up to. :) I hear the school bus coming down the street so I’m off for now, but I promise I will be back soon. Hope you’ll be there with me!


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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Emily September 8, 2010 at 4:40 pm

I am here! So glad you're getting back into blogging. Your kids are beautiful! (And I hear you had a good time at FotoFly…)


SaMaTo September 9, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Oh my goodness! They are too stinking cute! Brandon looks just like your dad in that picture and Haylie looks like your mom in that picture. They couldn't be any cuter! I hope all is well. Miss you guys! Love ya, Cousin


Rachelle September 9, 2010 at 9:10 pm

YAHOO! So happy to see you again!


Gina September 9, 2010 at 9:31 pm

Look at all of Haylie's hair. Crazy business. I WILL DROP BY…BEWARE!


Jason & Kelli West September 10, 2010 at 3:41 pm

YAAAAAAAYY! YOU ARE Back. By the way, Im sorry for the death threat 😉 you know how redheads can get. So glad to see a post from you!! Love your kiddos, they are darling!!!


susan September 14, 2010 at 7:17 am

Can you share the organization bug please?!?!


Emily October 16, 2010 at 5:02 pm

See? I only JUST got this post in my Google reader. Sheesh! Love summer but I do love autumn as well. Soups, pumpkin cookies, decorations, oh my!


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