So the end of the school year always brings a sense of craziness along with it. The kids (and the Mom) are always ready for school to be done, wondering if the warmer weather will ever come, ready to be done with homework and spelling lists and animal reports Teacher Appreciation Week and Field Day and other PTA shenanigans.
May also brought Annie’s spring dance recital, a trip to St. George, a conference, field trips, a horrible eye infection, my month for Sharing Time, a Bees baseball game, my brother-in-law’s Masters graduation, BBQ’s, playgroups, haircuts, a Primary Activity, snow…good but crazy times! Thank goodness we didn’t sign anyone up for spring sports this year!
Bottom line—-Welcome June! I love you. And I’m in shock that you are pretty much halfway over.
We spent the last week at the cabin (post coming soon) which was wonderful, and came home with the sickies: all 3 kids have double ear infections and all 3 have pink eye! And I have pink eye too and a cold and Jaden has a cold as well, so our house is like a death trap at the moment.
We’re on the mend though and hopefully have met our “sick quota” for the rest of the summer!
So, now, in an effort to actually post some pictures and try to remember how to blog, I have some “end of school” pics. You know, for preserving the memories and stuff.
Annie and her preschool buddies
Annie has just loved her first year of preschool with a darling teacher and fun preschool friends. She has learned so much and is interested in learning to read and spelling and all that jazz. She did a wonderful job this year!
Brandon enjoyed first grade and I survived my first year of being a mom of a first grader.

That’s a mouthful. He received a Gold Medal at the Mustang Awards and promptly told me his plan: He is going to trade the gold medal to the Tooth Fairy for an iPad. Wonder if the TF will go for it?
Brandon and some friends.
Brandon and Sam being crazy. I love how I focused on some random lady’s arm.
After the last bus stop we went to the annual School’s Out water party at the house of my awesome friend Brooke. Yes, she’s the mom with all the coolest waterslides and bounce houses and basically every kid in the neighborhood wants to hang out at her house all the time. Heck, I want to hang out there too!

We all bring treats to share and let the kids run wild while the moms hang out together and try to keep our eyes on everything!
Haylie mostly stayed in the same spot splashing in the inch of water on the slip ‘n slide.
The boys all loved water balloons. There was a little bit of drama but we all survived.
Annie and her darling friends
The waterslide was a huge hit, even when it was threatening to tip over.

This is my favorite picture of Haylie! When she wasn’t on the slip ‘n slide she was bouncing on the little slide on the bounce house.
This is the long line to fill up water balloons.
Oh, and there was face painting by the talented Cat.
Even Haylie got in on the action.
Annie and Scarlet on the waterslide–I love how they held hands on the way down! Such cute girls. We are lucky to live in a neigborhood with such great kids and friends.
At the end of several hours of playing outside in the water, it’s always good to share a chair with a friend.
Haylie and Maddy were so cute.
So in the blink of an eye another school year is done. Hard to believe! We’ve been making our fun summer plans and have already enjoyed the cabin trip, water parties, snow cones and attemping to teach the kids how to sleep in a little bit.
Hooray for SUMMER!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
man your babies are so cute, i love them (and you) so much
I love that picture of Scarlet and Annie. I need a copy. That was such a fun day.
Great pics, as usual. I stole a few
Yes, where did June go? Lovin' your May re-cap.
I'm so jealous that you guys have swimsuit weather! Beging a Washingtonian, it's raining today! I'm sick of June gloom. Not that that's out of my system: you have a sweet family. I loved browsing through all the photos of smiling kids!
What a fun party!!! Your pictures are amazing Brooke!
LOVE Brandon's plot with the tooth fairy! Completely brilliant! And – oh my heavens! – that looks like the coolest end of school party ever!! I'm in awe. I think I'd go back to elementary school just to go to a party like that. 😉
Can't believe how grown-up your kiddos are!!! And even more amazing that you'll have a second-grader this fall. Time sure does fly! xoxo