Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day, as you probably know. We don’t have mischevious but generous and adorable leprechauns that visit our house like some cute people we know (the leprechauns miss us every single year!). But we do wear green. And we eat green things that normally aren’t green. The kids woke up and I made delish cinnamon rolls with green frosting. Then they picked out green clothes so they wouldn’t get pinched.
After school we took some pics of us in all of our greenery…..
Annie took this one of me and Brandon, can you tell?
I will not name names. But the camera doesn’t lie.
Oh, and Annie picked out her whole outfit that day. Don’t you wish YOU had stretchy green pants too?? She was happy about it. 😉
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you are such a nerd!! I love you! I love the pots of gold…way cute and I will definitely remember the green applesauce for next year!
Brooke you and your family are so darn cute!! The smiles that come from your kids faces are so so adorable!! You are a greaat mom to make their holidays so much fun!!!
I love, love the Shamrock hair clip, stretchy pants, green food, & pots o' gold. But you already know that I'm a holiday nerd. XOXO
Aw. you guys are the cutest. And man, that Annie Cakes, she just takes the cake. (pun intend)
HAHAHA How cute is that!!!
You have a great an beautiful family and you are so much fun!!
i love your son's paul frank shirt.
your kids are adorable!
Cute green crocheted hair band! You are so good to always document your family through photos…even the silly moments. Love it!