Brandon has been loving Jeopardy lately. It’s become a bit of a tradition for Brandon and Jaden to sit together at watch Jeopardy at night. Brandon has surprised us with knowing the answers to quite a few questions. (or knowing the questions to lots of answers, I should say).
Here are some of the funny comments he has made concerning this famous game show:
**I want to just drive and get Dad on Jeopardy. That’s my dream.
**Is there Kid Jeopardy? I want to be on it.
**We are so lucky to get a new Jeopardy. There aren’t any champions on tonight.
**I just want to be on Jeopardy then I’d be rich. I’d get like $20,000. I could buy Lego Rockband.
**One Saturday night we had my brother Tyler and his wife watch the kids. Before they came, our Jeopardy conversation went like this:
Brandon: “Oh good, Tyler can watch Jeopardy with me tonight.”
Me: “I don’t know if it’s on because it’s a Saturday.”
Brandon: “Oh yeah. You know Alex–the guy that asks the questions? Last night he said ‘Okay we’ll see you again on Monday!’ so I know that it’s not on tonight.”
**Brandon and Annie were rooting for some contestant named Dave. They were sad when he lost. They get attached to the “champions.” hee hee.
I’ll admit, sometimes I join in the Jeopardy fun, even though I tease about its high degree of nerdiness. Nerdiness is cool. Usually I’m crocheting something because I have to be doing something while watching TV. I really like to make fun of Alex though. He sure can make some condescending comments to those contestants that makes me want to slap his now mustache-less face. And sometimes he misprounces words and it’s so funny. Like one night the question was “Who is Don Juan?” And Alex pronounced it “Don Joo-ann.” It cracked me up like no other. I wish I could think of some more examples but just take my word for it.
And I love when they do Jeopardy spoofs on SNL. Have you seen the Amy Poeler version of Sharon Osborne? Classic. Jaden and I imitate that all the time.
Anyway, just a super random little post dedicated to Jeopardy love. And, HAPPY MARCH!! It’s a lovely day.
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How ironic. Tucker and Halle have been on a Jeopardy watching kick the past few weeks also. Personally I've always been a fan of the "Wheel" with Pat (him and Alex should be friends), but Halle and Tucker prefer Alex and his answers. I love that Brandon's dream is to "drive and get dad on Jeopardy. I have that same dream for my dad and the "Wheel".
oh my word! this is hilarious!! What a fun little thing to have a bond with dad! Not to mention that Brandon is learning while doing it! I love all his funny commments…and wanting to take his dad there….so cute!! Love it!!
That's too cute.
This really is hilarious. I love it. I didn't even know Jeopardy was still on these days! I'm with Julie, however, I've always had a place in my heart for the "Wheel".
Sure missed you the weekend! We'll for sure do it again.
alright – that's it. When we're there in April I absolutely HAVE to watch Jeopardy with your little ones. That's a hoot!
I always thought Jeopardy was for smart people. I never seem to know any of the answers when I watch. I'm impressed that Brandon does!
it makes it less dorky that you crochet while you watch the show. How old are you? 72?
Yeah Mark, I was going to address the crochet + jeopardy = old lady issue. I'm cool with it.
We don't really watch the "Wheel", it's Jeopardy all the way for some reason! Julie, I'll root for Uncle Dave to get on the Wheel if you root for Jaden and Jeopardy.
Meagan, I say there's lots more fun things to do when you're here than watch Jeopardy, ha!
And Natalie, I hear ya. Although it comforts me that sometimes I think at least I might be smarter than Alex, with some of the dumb stuff he says. 
Love your new header, such a darling family!!
Thanks, Rachelle!