I’m so behind on recording things on this blog. But today I just wanted to share some things that are going on in our lives and some thoughts in my head….some events, some mini confessionals, some totally random…..and perhaps a picture or two because I love them.
So here we go!
* Last Sunday was a big day for our family, as Jaden was sustained as the 2nd Counselor in the bishopric of our ward. We feel like we are ready to take on the challenge as a family, and we are also ready for the associated blessings! Our new bishopric is wonderful, they will do a great job. One quick little story. We were telling our kids that we were getting a new bishopric soon (and although we knew Jaden was going to be a counselor, we didn’t want to tell the kids yet and have the whole world know!). Brandon said “I want you to be the bishop, Dad.” When Jaden asked why, he replied, “Because you’re good. And because you are the Bishop’s ‘clark.'” I said, “Oh, you mean the clerk. Yeah, Dad’s been a good ward clerk.”Then Brandon said, “You are a good clerk. And, I just think that you’re ready.”
It’s been a little bit of an adjustment, as yesterday was Jaden’s first “official” day in the bishopric and we were both really busy at church (and we had baptisms Saturday night too!) but I’m feeling like everything’s going to be okay! We’ve had tremendous support and encouragement, and a feeling of peace. Which leads me to my next thought…
* Since the first week of December, I have been serving as the 1st Counselor in the Primary Presidency. I LOVE IT. I love the women I serve with and I love the children in our ward. So Sundays are pretty busy for us. It came as a bit of a surprise because I hadn’t been teaching in RS for that long and I thought I’d forever be on that organ bench–my bum was beginning to take on the bench shape (ha ha)–but I was very excited to accept the calling. I may have even surprised the Bishop with how excited I was.
For a long time I’ve been wanting to experience the closeness that comes from serving with other women in a calling, such as a presidency, and was thrilled to get that opportunity with some AMAZING women. And the kids in our primary are awesome. I love hearing the things they say and how smart they are. One little boy, a new Sunbeam (3 year olds), told me that I looked like Handy Manny—What? Is that even a compliment? Then I figured it out—I always have a pen or pencil stuck on my ear, just like Handy Manny. And I knew that this particular little boy LOVES Handy Manny so I’ll definitely take it as a compliment, ha!
February is my month for sharing time and we’re also having our first Primary activity next Saturday, so bring on the busy-ness.
* Jaden got an iphone for Christmas. My kids ask for it the minute he walks through the door. It is awesome even though I now call it “the girlfriend.” Even Haylie knows how to work it with her itty bitty fingers.

We were literally CRYING, we were laughing SO HARD when Jaden found this gem of a picture on his iphone. Crying and convulsing with laughter. “THE EYE.” HAAHAHAHA! And this was another beaut, I’m loving the whole extreme closeup vibe we have going on:

* My photos and files are finally restored/recovered from Mozy. It was a stressful thing and I’ll admit I had several crying episodes but I’m happy that it’s done and that my precious memories were safe. Back up your stuff, friends. You’ll be glad you did.
* I started teaching Brandon piano lessons, and it’s going really well! I know that it will probably be a test of my patience but for now, he likes it and even asks to practice. I know THAT won’t last forever so I’ll enjoy it while I can!
He’s catching on really quickly. Music is VERY important to Jaden and I and we really want to instill that love in our children.
* Speaking of music, I like the song “Party in the USA.” Yes, I’ll admit it. I’m not a Miley Cyrus fan but I can’t help but like that song. All of my kids sing along. It’s hilarious.
* I had to say no to something sort of biggish last month. It was hard for me to do and I’m still feeling small lingerings of guilt for saying no, but after I did it, I felt so much better!! I think it’s so hard to say no to things that are positive and good and that will teach you a lot, but sometimes you have to look at your priorities and allow yourself to place your family first. I truly feel that there is a time and a season for everything. And I know it wasn’t my time to say yes to that particular thing. (It wasn’t a church calling, FYI.) But why must we as women feel GUILTY for saying no??????? It’s like we want to always make everyone happy, I guess, or be superwomen and do EVERYTHING, and when we can’t, perhaps we feel like we’re falling short of some expectation that we place on ourselves.
* I’m still planning on blogging about our lovely trip to Hawaii (I promise, Jaclyn!). But for now, here is probably my favorite photo from the trip–I LOVE these four people so much! And the fun memories we made together there. I wish we were there now.

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you! I think I may even call you soon b/c I need a little bit of Brookie in my life! XOXO
Good luck with Jaden in the bishopric. Brian has been the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric since last summer and I have been amazed at how many people want to help. I do not even see my little Korbin (14 months now!) until after church. People take him as soon as I arrive and watch him until church is over. I am the Primary Music Leader and the help is much appreciated. It is fun to see you little family and see how much they are growing. We miss you guys!
You make me happy! I love that picture on the beach, but where are you?
I hope you are not too busy for a lunch or dinner sometime soon!
i liked reading it and i read it all.
it sounds like you and your cute family will be good and busy and blessed for the next couple of weeks.
good luck to you all and enjoy it, too. you're smart to know when to say no and when to stop.
i had no idea you went to hawaii. jealous, indeed, i am!
I love hearing all the great thoughts in your head. You are such an amazing person! Lucky, lucky neighborhood to have you and Jaden impacting them in such influential ways.
I so hear you about having to say no to some things, even things that you know you would enjoy. I'm always repeating to myself various phrases, like "This is my season to do 'A'", or reminding myself of Elder Oaks talk "Good, better, best"! You are always a breath of fresh air
You are great – I'm so glad you said no, by the way. There'ss a time and a season, right!!??!! Also – please, please let me know when you need help. Sundays, weeknights, during the day – whatever. I really do want to help and my girls love your girls so it's honestly not a big deal. AND – Primary is awesome. I am going to be bitter if I get released – but I'll deal.
Hurray for post like these. It's great to hear what has been on your mind. Thanks for coming to the baptisms. It was a great day and Jaden did way good.
p.s. I can adopt Annie Jo Jo anytime you need me too.
LOVE the update!
I think Haylie's piggies are SO cute! I can't wait for Rylee to have hair!
And super jealous you went to Hawaii, but glad you got to go with those you love!
Adorable scrapbook page! Congrats on your new BUSY callings. I love that picture of your family in Hawaii too. What a fun trip that must have been.
I was going to comment that my boys love dad's iphone too (as I do). He even downloaded an animal sounds game for our toddler which is helpful during basketball games or times we need him to sit still, other than church of course.
You've been a Busy Bee. I love your headbands! Great colors too. I wish I would have saved my roses from my husband….I'm a simplist, (is that a word?) I trash everything because I don't like clutter. So, in the end, I miss out on cute opportunities like that! Rats….
Brookie, what a lucky ward to have you and Jaden in these positions. I wish I were a fly on the wall to watch you in action. What amazing opportunities. And what a hard decision about your photography. I ended up making a similar decision to quit teaching piano (except one family for a trade) just after Kole was born and although I miss some aspects of it, I have never regretted that decision. I'm so lucky to know you. Good luck transitioning- you'll be wonderful. Love you!
Whoa! Big callings you guys! Congrats, and it's totally ok (not to mention understandable) to say no.
So glad I found your blog, it is adorable, such a cute family you have!!vanessa from inevergrewup.net
i love your blog. it always brings a smile to my face
that was absolutely hilarious of the "eye". I'm laughing so hard.
Blogger always messes up my formatting too. Why?!? Annoying.
Anyway, loved this post. I always enjoy reading and seeing the little details of life like these!
It was so fun to chat with you the other night and catch up!