Who can believe that we are here in 2010, a new decade??? I love the feel of the fresh new start of a new year. We spent the week after Christmas/the first few days of the new year in Maui with Jaden’s family—it was heavenly. Definitely hard to get back to the regular routine and yucky weather, but we’re plugging along. I have lots of posts in mind but unfortunately my EHD died on me!!!! Luckily most of it is backed up on Mozy or else I would have to be committed to the loony bin. For reals. I would die if I lost all of my photos and stuff. Anyway, the restoration takes forever so many of my 2009 “wrap-up” plans and a few other projects will have be put on hold for the time being. I’m trying to be patient.
So lots to think about, lots to chat about, and I’m planning to share some pics of Christmas fun as well as our Hawaii trip, but for right now, it’s all about the Nutcracker.
This fall has been Annie’s first class of tap and ballet and she LOVES it. She takes with her friend Eliza and they have a ball. Her dance studio has put on a Children’s Nutcracker every year for the past 20+ years, and this year Annie’s cute class got to be Peppermint Sticks in the production and were absolutely adorable! It was a time commitment and I’ll admit I grumbled a few times, but in the end it was all worth it, because Annie loved it so much and did a great job!!!

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i am so annoyed right now. I am using my moms computer and it is slower than dirt and won't download the photos. I can only see the first one which is so stinkin cute. I'll have to check the rest out when I get home. HOpe your kids were ok about today. It is gorgeous here! I needed this!
Oh my goodness, she is so cute. I love the beauty of the makeup too. Darling.
I LOVE those pictures! Annie is getting to be such a cute young lady. What a doll face!
Looks like she had a blast.
What a doll!! So much fun you guys had! Were on the front row or what?? HA!
LOVE it! The pictures, the make up, the performance! Madisen attended the Nutcracker with grandma & came home dancing for days. I heart little girls!
ADORABLE!!!! (I wish you could have taken pictures at Emery's recital!)
Oh my goodness! How cute was our little Annie-Cakes!
What great shots and what great memories! I can't wait to see/read all about December. I'm so homesick for everyone right now I'm glad I get a little piece of family from your blog 
Good to hear about Mozy. MozyHome works pretty well for me – on both Mac and Windows. If you ever need it, their 2nd level support is good.
Use the following link to get 20% more space (512 Mb) on a free MozyHome 2 Gb account:
Brooke she looks so adorable! I'm so glad you shared lots of your wonderful pictures of her! My oldest was in her 2nd Nutcracker in Dec (as an Angel). Our production uses those same Candy Cane costumes as the older girls you show here, isn't that neat? So I loved seeing this post!
she is such a cutie. I love the pictures. She looks so happy and excited to be dancing. Little girls are so fun.
Hi Brooke!
The pictures of Annie are absolutely adorable!
Mary Catherine was also in The Nutcracker this year…her dance teacher puts on The Nutcracker every other year (whew…that was a LOT of rehearsals!) and so this was Mary's first time to participate. She got to be a mouse and one of Mother Ginger's children…getting to hide under that BIG skirt! What a hoot!
Glad I'm not the only one still posting pics and happenings from December. I'll be sure to drop by and let you know when I get my Nutcracker post up!
Wishing you all the best in 2010,
What an adorable little peppermint! That's quite the production she was in. Those performances are payoff for all the practices and prep. Glad you enjoyed it.
Oh my gosh! She is too cute!!!!!
She looks so darling! I love those costumes. Totally worth all the time and effort on your part! You can tell she LOVED every minute of it.
Brooke, I have a question about those Valentine bingo cards that you made, will you e-mail me? torgersen5@yahoo.com, thanks. Jenni
SHe is getting so big!!! WHat a cutie!! Where is she taking dance? It looks like they put on a really good show!!
That looks fun. Annie is getting so big and how cute are those costumes! Sorry about your EHD. Yikes! Please don't be committed to the loony bin.
she looks so adorable and So old! Why are our kids growing up on us? Looks like a great production!
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