{doodle by Stephanie at Homegrown Hospitality}
I love this quote. I feel such gratitude right now–even though life isn’t perfect and we all have challenges and struggles, we are so blessed in so many ways.
I am so thankful. For my life, my husband and children who make me laugh every day and who are MY WHOLE WORLD. For our amazing parents and siblings who love us and helped shape who we are today. For grandparents and extended family, friends and neighbors and teachers and all those people who are by our side in both the daily grind and the daily delights. We love you all. So thankful for Jaden’s job and for the good things that are coming his way and for the way he supports and provides for our family. Thankful for health, for our home, for the comforts we enjoy and for the talents God has given us to help us live life more fully. So incredibly thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for His Atonement, and to a loving Heavenly Father who gives us all these blessings and more, and for the peace and direction it gives us.
Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. I love Thanksgiving. We had a delicious meal at my parents’ cozy home, all our favorite traditional foods (roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, 10 layer jello, homemade rolls, yummy salad, homemade stuffing, pies….), and we were all totally stuffed. Barely had enough room for pie and ice cream hours later! We played Catch Phrase and laughed ourselves silly until we were gasping for air, and just relaxed and enjoyed being together.
Here are some photos of the day:

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Happy Thanksgiving. What a lovely, picture perfect Holiday.
Looks like you had a wonderful day…Great Photos…
Thank you. And, I had Charlotte in the same outfit that Haylie had on. Cute!
What a fun Thanksgiving you had. Always a barrel of laughs with your family. The pics are darling as always. Especially love the one with Brandon and Annie. What cute siblings. That quote is also a great one. Thanks for sharing. Way to be on top of your blogging.
i always love your perfectly positive attitude! i love that when i read what you write i want to be a better person. thank you for helping me remember to always be as grateful as possible!
Hey Brooke, its Misty, just wondering if you send me that template of the family proclamation if possible? Miss you and love seeing the pictures!!!
Love the quote. Great pictures of your family. They all look so happy. Glad you had a great holiday.
I love the cute things your kids are thankful for. Darling pictures too! (As always!!!)
Hello, I stumbled upon your blog and was wondering if you be willing to share the family procamaltion template with me. I have a family member who has just lost a baby and I have been brainstorming of something I can do for her. I saw this and just loved it. jody@altacs.com Thanks!!!