Halloween 2009
by Brooke on November 10, 2009
I’m probably the last person on the planet to blog about Halloween, but that’s okay, right? Unfortunately I got really sick (again) for about a week and had a billion things going on, which severely affected my computer time and hence, the lackage of posts. But I’m feeling much better now and am tackling my to-do list the best I can.
And trying to avoid what’s left of the Halloween candy stash. Plus I was tired of my poor hobo Halloween photo being the first thing you lay your eyes upon when you drop by my little bloggie.
So here we go.
This is a picture a few days before Halloween. I love the combination of the bright red fall leaves that made me happy each time I drove Annie to preschool, with the dusting of snow on the mountains. So pretty!!! I’m always a little bit sad when the leaves are all gone. A few days before Halloween also brought Brandon’s school parade (where Annie got lost for a minute or so! Panic!), Annie’s dance party, Annie’s preschool party, and Brandon’s class party, and I pretty much completely lost my voice too. Whew! It was sort of a crazy whirlwind of a morning but the kids had a blast.
I took a bunch of pictures but didn’t feel like posting all of them, to be honest!
Then on Friday night I was feeling good enough to go to an awesome party with my handsome space ranger, Buzz Lightyear. We were the random Disney couple. I know, I look (and felt) like Cinderella in drag, and sounded like it too with my hoarse voice. 

The party was hilariously fun, and involved a scavenger hunt/road rally with friends (we seriously felt like we were in high school again–in a good way) that had us running around a baseball diamond, a cemetary, a movie theater, to outhouses by a construction site, fields, grocery stores, etc. Then we did karaoke where I made a total crazy fool out of myself and shook my Cinderella booty way too much.

I laughed ’til I cried. Total fun. Too bad I didn’t break out my camera to get pictures of the other couples.
Halloween Night

Brandon is enamoured with all things Star Wars related, so we weren’t too shocked when he chose to be Darth Vader months ago. He even had Jaden carve his pumpkin into Darth Vader.

Annie-cakes was a darling little ladybug this year. She loved to dance and leap around when I put on her wings. She wanted her pumpkin to have a scary face with a pointy teeth mouth. (I’m planning to post pics of our pumpkin gathering and carving soon.)

Miss Haylie B. Our little butterfly. She was happy as can be with one little piece of candy and hung onto that thing for quite awhile. She loved trotting around in her costume and would say “butterfly” so sweetly.
Here are Brandon and Annie, looking oh-so-grown-up together.

And……here is our attempt at getting all 3 kids in one shot. Yeah, not gonna happen.

Haylie just wanted to be free to frolic down the sidewalk with her fruit snacks.

It was a pretty night for some trick-or-treating–a little bit chilly but at least it wasn’t snowing.

At our neighbor’s house–the first official door of the night.

Haylie got pretty good at saying “treat or treat” and loved following the big kids to the door.

Jaden + Buzz= Awesome. At this point I went back home to hand out candy and the rest of them went around the neighborhood for awhile.

Brandon met up with some buddies and stayed out for a bit–he probably could’ve gone all night.

Surprisingly, Annie was done after about 8 houses! She told Jaden she was done and wanted to go home and take a rest and eat her treats.

She was a great helper passing out candy with me.
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
Happy Halloween! Your kids are so darn cute! And you and Jaiden are fun!
Your snowy mountain and fall leaves picture is lovely!
Okay, that picture of of in your last post had me rolling…I even excused myself to the bathroom. So great! Love the Halloween pics. We definately need to get Brandon and Isaac together for some Star Wars Adventures. We too had a Darth Vader lurking around the streets of Houston.
Awesome pics – I need another lesson!!!
I love your Halloween post. You as Cinderella and Jaden as Buzz- hilarious! Love your pumpkins too. Cute, cute stuff!
So cute! I can't believe how big those kiddos are getting.
You make a darling Cinderella! I was her this year, too.
i love your and jaden's costumes! what a cute disney couple you are!
If we move to Utah I am going to live next to you so I can be friends with your friends and do all the fun stuff you do. Pretty much I just want to be you. Creepy huh?
I LOVED your hobo post and laughed on and on as always with my Brooke.
This is going to be email length but oh well, SO SO SORRY about not getting your call about the temple shot. I was in SF with B & C and didn't have my phone and didn't have internet because we had just moved. If we lived next door to each other that would never have happend.
You are my favorite adult because you dress up. When I say dress up, I mean dress up!! You go, girl.
Aren't you the loveliest Cinderella ever. You're kids' costumes are daring. Aidan would kill for the Darth Vader costume. Love the pumpkins too. What a great halloween…minus you getting sick. Still waiting for last years Halloween
That last comment was from me…have NO idea how or why or who DJ is. FA-REAKY
Geeze, you guys did have a busy October, I know you had even more stuff you didn't get to blog about post pictures of like the Halloween Party. Woah, busy, busy, Kemp family – but all fun stuff – which is great.
I'm so sorry you guys got sick
– but I am glad to hear everyone is feeling better. I'm sad I wasn't there to bring by soup or something – dang living in Texas 
What a cute family! I love you and Jaden's costumes! You guys are too cute!!!
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