This is another amazing Mormon Message about a 9/11 survivor.
I read on another blog (I can’t remember which one) about how the question of our generation will be “Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001??” It was one of those days I’ll never forget. I was a nursing student at BYU and also working as an LPN at night. I had a pager for my job that would randomly buzz and annoy the heck out of me. I remember it buzzed early in the morning, right about when the first tower was hit. I didn’t know what had happened in New York and I didn’t really check the pager until I was on my way to my friend’s apartment to work on a project for our oncology class, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. “World Trade Center hit by airplane.” I got to Janae’s place and she already had the TV on. We watched in shock as the second plane hit and in horror as the buildings collapsed. Both of us called our families and loved ones to see if they’d seen or heard the horrible news. Concern rose when we realized that Jaden’s uncle and aunt lived in Manhatten and worked near the WTC and could not be reached by cell phone (they were safe and fine, luckily). Needless to say, we did not finish or present our project that day.
For the next several days I sat and watched the events unfold on my TV screen, tears streaming down my face. I couldn’t get the images out of my head, and I couldn’t believe what had happened. It was beautiful, however, to see how people reached out and came together in crisis, how a country divided so often by politics and scandal could unite in a time of tragedy, and how lives were changed because people chose to learn and increase their faith in God and move forward. I was so moved by the stories of hope and overcoming of major challenges and a sense of patriotism that I had never felt before. I am amazed that 8 years have gone by, and while detailed memories have faded I am reminded on this Patriot Day, this anniversary of September 11th–I’ll never forget. I am thankful to live in this country.
Something that totally made my day today–this morning Brandon woke me up and said he had a surprise for me. He handed me this paper bag with a love note written on the outside:
Inside were two pieces of toast, which Brandon was excited to tell me that he had “frosted” all by himself!
So, it was a delightful breakfast in my bed.
It was so sweet. One of those moments that makes motherhood so worthwhile. And a great way to greet the day.
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i enjoyed reading your thoughts and memories of 9/11. i, too, remember being at provo and just watching the craziness happen on tv. not good.
and what a sweet and thoughtful boy you have. i love it. i especially loved that he called it "frosting" your toast. too cute.
I Brooke.
Thank you for the inspirational video and sharing of your memories from 9/11. What a tragic day in history, but as you said, a uniting one as well.
I was teaching 3rd grade that day…I remember math class in the AM and then being instructed to check my email immediately per our bldg. principal. The message from our superintendent was to remain calm, but aware; that the entire district had gone on a code red alert, but that we did not need to hunker down under desks or in coat closets; morning and afternoon recess had been cancelled; parents began arriving to pick up their kiddos.
I can't remember anything after morning math class. I know that my colleagues and I tried to remain calm for appearances sake, but that's all I can remember. All students and staff left immediately at dismissal.
On a lighter note, I totally agree wtih Emily…what a sweet boy you have!
Many blessings to you,
That was supposed to say, "hi, Brooke" TYPO!!! LOL
Thanks for sharing the video. It's good to remember.
I love the affection Brandon showed you! So sweet. Those little moments mean so much!
I got chills all over again just reading your perspective on 9/11. What a terrible day that I will never ever forget.
I love Brandon's frosted toast! What a cute little guy to surprise you with it in a paper bag! Gotta love those little moments where being a mom totally pays off.
Who knew a brown paper bag could be so cute?!
I worked for Jetblue on September 11. I had a pager that kept going off. I ignored it because my sister was having a baby and I had to get to the hospital. I turned on the radio on the way and could not believe it! So scary. A new, innocent baby was a nice distraction though.