The moment I have been dreading has come and gone…and I have survived! Honestly, I have not been looking forward to Brandon starting first grade and being gone ALL DAY LONG. It’s hard and strange for me to think about how he’s been with me for only 6 1/2 years and now I’m sending him off to be in someone else’s care for most of the hours of the day. I’ve really struggled with that! I feel like I can’t really adequately describe what I’m feeling. I feel like it’s the end of an era in some way, that he’s growing up so fast and I’m having to open up my arms and let him go into the great big world without ME as his constant companion.
I guess I’m not quite ready for that yet. But here we are.
About a week ago, before school started, we were driving in the van from some activity and Brandon said, “I’m going to miss you when I’m in school all day.” I told him that I was definitely going to miss him too. Then he said, “You’re the first person I’m going to miss. I’ll miss being with you.” Cue the tears. I had to wipe them quickly so I could see the road to drive.
We were able to meet his new teacher last Wednesday before school started (the 1st graders all have assessments prior to the first day of school) and she was very nice.
After his assessment his teacher brought him back out into the hallway where there was a bulletin board with 3 categories about how the students felt about first grade: a little nervous, happy, or both. I was expecting Brandon to at least choose “both” but to my surprise he hopped on over and put his apple in the “happy” category! So the fact that he was excited about school made things a lot easier for me to handle.
The night before school started we had our “Back to School Celebration”, as Brandon called it. We made pizza on the grill and gave the kids little surprises and Jaden gave Brandon a wonderful Father’s Blessing as is our tradition. After he went to bed and was sound asleep, I went into his room and noticed the picture on his bulletin board of him when he was about 2 years old. I kept looking back and forth between this little toddler and this big, growing BOY and the time just flashed before my eyes. It was a sweet/surreal moment for me.
The next morning, the big day, Brandon woke up and said “Yay, it’s school day!” I made pancakes for breakfast, we got his backpack ready and memorized his school lunch number (he was having hot lunch on pizza day!) and then it was picture time! You know me, gotta document!!!
He even pulled out this little pose without me saying anything, so cute.

{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }
Okay, seriously, what lens do you use? Your lighting always seems to be perfect?!
this is what I'm talking about, the crayons. seriously! And I'm starting to feel guilty that I am DYING for Jake to go to first grade. Too much to say, I'll just call you in a bit
Love the edible crayons! I can't believe Brandon is in first grade. Weren't we just barely at preschool with Adam and Brandon?
So glad you all survived. I relived all those same feelings as I read this post. I miss Halle again. Those crayons are beyond cute. I am so impressed. Love it. What a fun after school snack. Great pictures to document this first day. Ditto to what Natalie said…weren't they just in preschool together???
Seriously? Edible crayons? How do you do it? Something about pretzels and paper and total amazingness. I don't get it. Please explain.
Go Brandon! That is great that he is loving school, even though it is hard for Mom. I love the pictures.
Edible crayons? Seriously, who does stuff like that? You are so amazing. One day your kids will be at any other house in the neighborhood and realize how super amazing there mom is. It will probably be when they are at my house.
Oh Brooke! You described EXACTLY how I feel about my little Brynleigh leaving for just little ole Kindergarten. I'm dying inside- it was so fun to hear it from someone else. And of course I'm loving the crayons. Would you be my mommy? Seriously- you are amazing!
What a GREAT CUTE FUN idea! I love the crayons, and, of course the pictures you took of them are awesome! I can't believe how grown up Brandon is. I'm glad that I'm not the only mom in the world that is having a little bit of a hard time with kids going to school. I was starting to think I was crazy! :o) Hope you're doing okay.
Go Brandon! First grade, wow!
Brooke, I could totally relate to the emotions behind this post. (Confession time…while I told myself that the reason I decided to wait on sending Mary Catherine to Kindergarten this year was b/c she was an August birthday, I think the real reason is that I just didn't want her to "grow up" yet!)
Love, love, love the edible crayons!!! Very clever.
A cute boy and a darn cute craft! I have very similar feelings about having Lily gone. Ah, this wonderful thing called motherhood. What a privilege and a heart breaker!
someone told me you made these and to check out the tins–they are SO CUTE! Great job on the labels, too. I'm so glad your family made such a fun back to school memory.
Happy Cooking,
ok Julie told me I HAD to check out these CUTE things! They are adorable!! Very FUN!
oh my hell…love the crayons
MARK!!! I can't believe him. Who would marry such a crazy person?!?
Anyway, I love that first picture of Brandon and his teacher. So perfect with all the school "stuff" behind them. It's amazing how kids can do so much more than we think they can on their own… and it makes us sad!
One day when you turn into a mediocre person like me, do you want to hang out again?
that is so funny!!!! i made the same crayons for becks class for his first day of school. i made little boxes that looked like crayon boxes, but your way looks way easier & just as cute! great minds totally think alike:)
Oh my gosh, those crayons are the cutest things I have EVER seen. You are one crafty lady!
OMG! I don't know how I found your blog, but those are SO stinkin' CAUTE!!! I just linked your picture and post to my Tidymom Finds Tumblr blog, hope you don't mind!!!
Makes me wish I had little ones to make these for!!
…..ok, now I'm off to check out the rest of your wonderful blog!
Just found your blog– amazing! Those edible crayons are sweet beyond words!
And I almost shed a tear reading about your first day of first grade. My baby is 10 months old, and I never want to have to send him to school all day! That must have been so tough!
These are so cute. My daughter is having a 2 Crayon party and I want to make these. Your wrappers are way cuter than the others that I’ve seen on the internet. I’m going to attempt to make them too. Her invite was a crayon box with crayons with her name on it. So her name has to be on these too! Thanks so much! I found you through Alisha Shaw!