4 for 4

by Brooke on September 25, 2008

So this “posting every day” thing is tough! But kinda fun.

I’m too tired (and happy after watching The Office!!! YAY! WHEEEE!!) to write a big post so I will leave you with this thought.

I would like to know who dresses their sweet little baby up in this for Halloween. I can see it now.

“Ahhh, look at the cute princess! Oh, and the awesome superhero. Well. Now. Look at that cute little…..woopie cushion. Um, yeah.” and then the person runs away and feels sorry for the poor little baby. Wow.

But this one is kind of cute. And dangerous if you are near someone who has a big sugar craving.

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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Kirsten September 26, 2008 at 10:35 pm

OH MY GOSH, I would be the person to dress my little one in a whoopie cushion costume. I just looked it up and found it was $20….it’s tempting.


Megan September 27, 2008 at 11:12 am

LOL!!! That is way too funny! Love it! hehe


Gina September 27, 2008 at 12:16 pm

Oh my DUH! Which, bytheway, what in the world am I going to dress my kids as? I have dressed my Birdie as a cheerleader last year, and Raggedy Ann the year before. My Buddy was a football player last year. I like the outfits that are easy to wear like everyday clothes, not a big bunny outfit that they can’t walk in. This makes it difficult to decide, as most costumes at stores are the gunny-sack version. So, what do you suggest? Or perhaps I shouldn’t ask you. You post things like Whoopie Cushions on your blog site! HA


Heath September 29, 2008 at 1:18 pm

I just got caught up on your last 5 posts! I love the tribute to your husband in ‘memory lane’ fashion. I feel like I’ve seen him grow up right before my very eyes.

Costumes: As for the whoopie cushion, “Why would you want to tempt people to sit on your child?” Same goes for the Peep “Why would you want to tempt people to eat your child?” I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt though, they are unique and probably conversation starters.


Rachel Schenk September 29, 2008 at 9:28 pm

You have the best blog! OK, how do you have gadgets on BOTH sides of your posts???

And…how do you have your slideshow so it doesn’t get cut off? Mine gets cut off on one side if I put it next to the post, so I have to put it at the top!

I think I need the Blogging for Dummies book….

Can Brandon trick or treat with Joshua again this year? Maybe we can get Sam too…


susan October 2, 2008 at 10:43 pm

I was kind of scared for a second- I thought these were pictures of your kids!!!


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