This is me. I’m like the Magnificent Marvelous Mad Madame Mim from The Sword in the Stone Disney movie. A grumpy old witch!!!
I feel like I’ve been grumpier this pregnancy–with a capital G. Just ask anyone who lives with me. It’s like I have a major drought of patience and a flood of irritability and exhaustion. Little things bug the heck out of me. And there’s the emotional rollercoaster ride. I had a little meltdown last weekend. Fun times at our house.
I don’t like to air my dirty laundry on this blog, or complain a lot on it. Who wants to read about that?? But the truth is, without too much elaboration, I have had a major case of the grumps….and I’m trying to be better. So, lest you think I’m perfect (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA) now you know that I’m far from.
But it’s hard being a mom, isn’t it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything but there are definitely days when I want to call it quits. For some reason both kids have decided to really challenge me lately and I haven’t stepped up to the plate in the ways I should. Something I am trying to work on (and not always being successful with) is not yelling. My kids will never be able to say at my funeral that their mom never raised their voice. HA! But something President Hinckley said at a recent stake conference broadcast has stuck with me, counsel that I really need to follow: Cultivate the art of the soft answer. My answers lately have been more on the louder and irritable side. So that is something that I will be working on. There, it’s written down for all the world to see. I know I’m not alone on this!!
When all is said and done, I just want my kids to always know that they are loved unconditionally. That’s what I’m going to strive for, with “soft answers” among other things. Even if they do spend the whole day in and out of time-out, and change their own poopy diaper all over their carpet, and create a lake on the bathroom floor. I love them anyway. Hopefully they’ll still love me in spite of my many faults. Okay, this grump needs to go to bed.
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I’m pretty sure you’re not alone on this, isn’t pregnancy so much fun. I’m sure your kids still totally love you, even when you have a bad grumpy day.
I’m reading a book right now called “The Peacegiver” by James L. Ferrell and there is spot where they talk about how Christ loved those who caused him to suffer then he compares it to our children. They love us despite the things we do to “harm” them. Sometimes I have a terrible temper – something that I’m working on – but despite some of the hurtful things that I may say or do to them, they still love me. I know this because of the precious hugs and kisses I receive daily. Forgiveness is divine. My children give it to me freely when I ask for it. I think you’re doing great.
James L. Ferrell is in my stake, and he really is AMAZING…anyhow, hey Brooke, now I know that you aren’t going to be twinkled like I thought you were. Hey reading stuff like this just makes us all feel more normal. Being a mom is the hardest and best thing I have ever done and there are some days that I want to run away, far away. By the way, I laughed out loud when I saw the picture you posted with this, THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I go through stages where I have the grumps too and when I have ’em…watch out people! When the goin’ gets tough, just go in your closet and barf up a lung…you’ll feel much better after, who need lungs anyway! I never pass these word verification things the first time, what’s wrong with me!
TOTALLY agree! The grumps are the worst. For me, I think this time of year has something to do with it too…anyway…keep up the good work! It’s a good thing these little kiddles are so darn cute!Thanks for the soft answer tidbit! I need that too!!!!!
Hang in there. It’s HARD to be a mom. It’s HARD to be pregnant. It’s especially hard when you have to do both…every day for 9 months. You’re entitled to be grumpy if you want. Besides, you’re a great mom. We all have our moments. I think you’re doing a great job. Brandon and Annie couldn’t have a better mom.
oh, brooke. i feel and know your pains and frustrations. let me give you a little warning, though – not to put a damper on things. when my 3rd came i think i became even grumpier (i wasn’t sure that was possible). i realize now that i was a grump. but it didn’t last too long (2-3 weeks???) and kids are so darn forgiving. i would apologize to my kids on a daily basis during those few weeks. and you know, i think they totally understood. . . somehow.
but that was just me and maybe the grump will leave with your new babe. but we all go through it – and if you’re me, you have a least one grumpy moment no matter how good life is.
My kids will never be able to say that I didn’t raise my voice either- I too am working on this. It’s nice to know that we’re not alone in these challenge days with young children.
We are all so samey! Good to know.
Oh Brookie, at least you have the pregnancy excuse! I have none! The “soft answer” is something I am really trying hard to work on too. So glad it’s not just me! It was so fun to be with you today – a little therapy goes a long way! Love ya!
PS My sister used to be mean and tell me I looked like that witch!
I agree with Mary…at least you have the pregnancy excuse. Some days I feel like I yelled more than I talked in a normal speaking voice. Lunch was fun today…we totally needed it! You can call and yell at me any time…we’re family, we can do that sort of thing!
I was the same way when I was pregnant with Gage. I remember wondering if I’d act this way toward the boys forever. But as soon as he was born, the “grumps” went away. (Not that they don’t still come back periodically, but they don’t last as long!) Keep your chin up! Things will get better soon! Love ya!
Brooke I think you are fabulous!! I seriously look up to you! You are such a great mom! I hear ya though that it’s tough being a mom – hang in there though
Love ya!
Oh, Brookie! I couldn’t agree more. Being a mom is a tough job! Some nights I think, “can’t I just call in sick tomorrow?” But, they sure are cute… dang it. I love you so much & I’m so grateful to be your friend. And, I’m so grateful to know that I’m not alone in being a grumpy old pregnant witch! Maybe we should start a club.
It is nice to know that there are other moms who don’t always use the soft voice. I try, but my kids can’t ever hear that voice. Hang in there. Maybe we need to reward ourselves with mint chocolate chip ice cream if we don’t yell one day. Are you up for the challenge?